5 owari tips to lose my pregnancy pounds

We at Owari know how important breastfeeding is in a mom's life. We started from a simple observation: breastfeeding brings nutritional values ​​to baby while promoting weight loss. But breastfeeding is not the “miracle” solution to weight loss. OWARI has designed the detox cure specifically for breastfeeding/pregnant women to promote weight loss, breast milk production and reduce baby colic.


The Mummy DETOX is one of our greatest prides at OWARI, it is the only slimming herbal tea for nursing mothers ! It will have a multitude of benefits but its primary function is weight loss and stimulation of breast milk production. We know that sometimes the rises of milk are not always there and that they are sometimes insufficient... This one will bring you a feeling of lightness. It will also have a diuretic effect while reducing your bloating to have a flatter stomach! It is consumed up to 3 cups throughout the day.

2) Become aware of your body:

Keep in mind that each person, each body, each childbirth is different and you will surely not have the same effects as your sister, girlfriend, mother… Thus, weight loss varies from one woman to another! If you have gained a lot of weight, don't worry, the first few pounds are generally easy to lose and the last a little more complicated (but not impossible!) to eliminate!
For more reliability, it is recommended to remove the weight of the placenta and amniotic fluid during childbirth and you will get your real weight gain.

3) A balanced and healthy diet to promote weight loss

While breastfeeding, don't rush (everything in its own time!), opt for a gentle method: favor a balanced diet. A large part of your weight loss will go through changing your diet and at the same time helping you maintain a good level of energy (to take care of your baby you need it)! Don't even think about dieting, which is bad for your body and will give you a yo-yo effect most of the time.
OWARI recommends that you eat healthy and balanced:

  • Eat varied but in reasonable quantities to provide the energy necessary for the proper functioning of your body. Do not neglect any nutrient, consider consuming dairy products, proteins, cereals, fruits, vegetables, trace elements...

  • Do not skip any meals and do not snack, at the risk of creating an imbalance in your diet.

  • Hydrate yourself a lot, favoring water and not sodas or other sugary or high-calorie drinks...

  • Reduce your fat consumption and season your dishes with a teaspoon (of olives, rapeseed, hazelnuts, walnuts, etc.) during lunch and dinner.

  • Eat fruits rich in fibre, minerals and vitamins which will stimulate your transit and give you energy.

  • Prefer steam cooking, it removes fat from meat, fish, etc. during cooking and facilitates your intestinal transit and stimulates your appetite.

4) A snack as a healthy alternative

Baby takes up most of your time and you don't necessarily have time to prepare real meals… Don't panic! Snacking is the solution!

It must be rich in carbohydrates and proteins :

  • dried fruits and nuts
  • a piece of fruit and a piece of cheese (-20% fat)
  • mashed chickpeas
  • raw vegetables with 1 hard-boiled egg
  • 1 plain yogurt with frozen fruit
5) Sport to gently eliminate your fat and muscle your body

Immediately after your delivery, do not try at all costs to practice intensive physical activity, favor a gentle and regular activity. You will very quickly perceive the benefits of sport (not to mention weight loss) you will gradually reclaim your physical condition. For any practice of physical activity, it is recommended to wait for the postnatal visit (5 to 6 weeks after delivery).

Some gentle sports for you:

  • Brisk walking, walks with baby combine business with pleasure, you can vary their duration according to your desires and gradually intensify your walking pace.

  • Muscle your perineum (with postnatal physio to be done 6 to 8 weeks after your delivery), your deep abdominals and your transverse muscle will gain your belly (and gradually find a flat stomach).

  • Swimming is a gentle and complete physical activity. This sport has the advantage of not putting any pressure on your pelvis and works all of your muscles without the risk of shocks.
  • The bike tones, shapes and muscles your body without producing the slightest violent shock. It turns out to be a real asset to improve your cardio!

  • Water gymnastics tones and strengthens your body, but it also reduces the feeling of heavy legs.

  • Pilates re-educate your perineum and work your abs, they tighten and tone your belly.

  • Yoga realigns your body and relieves your back, rebalances your pelvis, untangles your dorsal knots and reopens your hips. It's a great way to relax and meditate.
Remember that regularity is the basis of your weight loss process! To intensify your physical activity, go from 30 minutes to 45 minutes per session, and from 1 to 3 times a week. This will allow you to regain flexibility, strength and endurance in a progressive and lasting way.