actions to adopt during the heat weather

The heat wave is hitting us hard, the mercury is only rising and our body is crying SOS. The first thing to do is to preserve it as much as possible! But how ? The OWARI team has listed some actions to take, so you can approach the heat wave with more serenity.

fan - high heat - heat wave - hot - cool - tips

  • If you retain water , with high heat, do not hesitate to take our DIURETEA OWARI which will eliminate bad toxins and drain your body.

  • Drink as much water as you can: don't wait to feel thirsty, but rather drink in anticipation of thirst. Avoid sugary and alcoholic drinks which will tend to dehydrate you. You can also consume drinks without added sugar, we are thinking in particular of our OWARI teas . They will answer many of your problems (such as slimming, stress, menstruation, digestion, energy, diuretics…) and keep you hydrated.

  • Hydrate with food : opt for foods rich in water such as cucumber, watermelon, radishes, salad, strawberries, melon...

  • Stay in a cool place : keep your interior cool by closing the shutters during the day, putting on the air conditioning/fan.

  • Certain signals should alert you: if you feel extreme fatigue, cramps, headaches, hot flashes, that you have not been able to urinate for 5 hours and when your urine is dark.

  • Beyond the proper functioning of your body, remember to stay in contact with your loved ones most at risk, we think in particular of the most isolated, elderly, disabled people.

  • If you detect any of these symptoms, consider contacting Heat wave info service on 0800 06 66 66 or Samu on 08 00 10 06 46.

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