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Article: 4 food & sport mistakes that are hindering your weight loss

4 erreurs food & sport qui freinent votre perte de poids

4 food & sport mistakes that are hindering your weight loss

When it comes to losing weight , we are always full of good intentions and we are convinced to do things right until the number on the scale does not go down any more. The most common mistakes that we encounter in the context of weight loss are to play sports without following the diet or even the establishment of ultra-restrictive diets to lose our superfluous kilos as quickly as possible .

The objective is to eat in a healthy and balanced way while having fun in a non-excessive way and to practice a physical activity soliciting the body in its entirety. Nevertheless, there are still a few small mistakes to avoid to optimize the results as much as possible and put the odds on your side to achieve your goals.

To help you, we share with you the 4 mistakes to avoid so as not to make mistakes and which very often hinder your weight loss.

Not exercising enough

When you want to lose weight, getting into sport is important in order to refine your silhouette and shape your body. The key is to find the physical activity that motivates you and that you will not give up after 2 weeks because physical activity is the only way to burn as many calories as possible.

Do only cardio

Including cardio in your sports routine is a great way to increase your daily expenditure and thus burn even more calories. It is still essential to combine cardio with muscle strengthening workouts to shape, shape and tone your figure. What's the point of being thin if our body is "all soft"?

Go beyond the limits imposed by the body

We tend to think that the more we do sports, the more we give 2000%, the more calories we will burn. That's true, but you shouldn't go to extremes all the same. Overworking the body risks straining the muscles and joints until an injury appears that will slow you down much more in your progress than if you had simply lowered the intensity of your training rhythm.

And yes, not all extremes are good, even in sport, so we take it easy and listen to the messages our body sends us!

Not being organized

Losing weight requires some effort on a daily basis and if you are not organized you can very quickly get lost and get off track. Every Sunday, it is important to plan the program for the coming week: what days do I do my sport? do I have to prepare meals for my lunches at work at noon? what are my dishes of the week?
All of these questions may be trivial for you, but they will help you have a framework. When nothing is planned, we tend to postpone the tasks to be carried out until the next day. Except that by wanting too much to postpone your sports sessions or the preparation of your meals, you end up postponing your weight loss!
Don't forget that OWARI accompanies you in your weight loss goals with our Slim'Tea OWARI cure .
If you too have “weight loss” tips to share with us, don’t hesitate to leave a comment!

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