for a gentle awakening: 5 yoga postures

The alarm clock this word that can irritate some (you may be one of them!), the one that will mark the start of your day, which will affect your morale and have a direct impact on your productivity! For maximum relaxation and positive vibes, are you more into yoga or mediation (or both hihi!?)? This time, we will focus on yoga! For those who do not know yoga, yoga is a set of breathing exercises and postures, aimed at reuniting the individual with his existence. Its practice brings real physical and mental well-being.

There are several types of yoga:

- Dynamic yogas or the rhythm of breathing will determine the order of postures (ashtanga or vinyasa for example)

- The Iyengar which is a little less dynamic, which is essentially based on listening and understanding the body.

- Hatha yoga is a gentle yoga that is often practiced by older people.

The OWARI team have selected 5 postures that you can do when you jump out of bed:

sun salutation

Improves your breathing, the flexibility of your spine and your whole body. Stand with your hands together, feet together and back straight. Inhale: stretch back by digging your back as much as possible. Exhale: lower yourself until your head is at knee level. Inhale: place yourself in plank by raising the top of your pelvis. Exhale: put your knees on the ground go beyond your handles with your shoulders to bend your elbows close to the body. Inhale: feet flat while raising your chest. Exhale: stretch back with the tips of the feet anchored in the ground.
Release of the winds

Works your perineum and abdomen. It limits bloating, flatulence, promotes transit and relieves menstrual disorders. Lie down, raise your legs at an angle while inhaling then put your knees on your stomach, clasp your knees with your arms then raise your head while exhaling.

twisting belly

Firms your abdominal muscles and your back. Taking a deep breath, while lying down, raise your arms with the palms facing outwards then exhale: raise your right leg while keeping your left leg on the ground. Inhale: bring your right foot back to your left hand, without bending your arm, turning your chest. Your legs should stay straight. Exhale: Raise your left leg so it's perpendicular to the floor. Do the same for the other leg.

Downward facing dog

It relaxes your spine and lower back. Inhale: get on your knees (first of all), exhale: raise your pelvis by placing your hands shoulder-width apart, fingers spread as far apart as possible, feet parallel at hip-width and buttocks outwards while maintaining your back stretched out.

child posture

It relieves localized tension in the lower back. Get on your knees, pelvis relaxed towards heels, feet and knees linked and place your forehead on the floor putting your arms stretched forward with elbows raised and hands pressing the floor) and inhale and exhale.

PS: If you feel stressed right now, the OWARI team has thought of a relaxing tea for you that will effectively fight against stress: OWARI Anti-stress Relax .


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